The Spark (ep. #15)

3 billion people are about to enter web3

Hello and welcome to the episode #15 of “The Spark“ newsletter!

Here you can find everything you need to stay up-to-date with upcoming NFT projects and web3 games.

Now let’s dive into the info

Episode structure:

[Early alpha] section:

1. GameOn LALIGA (giveaway at the end of this episode)

  • LaLiga sports association enters web3 (combined audience in real life is around 3 billion people worldwide)

  • Launching in partnership with GameOn - leading web3 native tech company, that is focused on bringing and scaling biggest web2 brands on the blockchain

  • Game is already being developed in collaboration with other huge web2 IPs

My take:

Just a fact that LaLiga sees the future in web3 is an incredibly bullish sign for our space. Their “next-gen fantasy game“ is coming later this year (exact date is TBA).

Project is supported by GameOn (backed by Arbitrum) and Arcadia (top tier web3 marketing agency); needless to say that they have big funding as well (probably self funded, however amount is undisclosed).

LaLiga also plans to launch a token, which will power the whole ecosystem via mixed earning mechanics.

And while some other specific details are still TBA, it’s clearly not a “degen“ project, so it makes sense to get involved here and try to secure your spot.


2. GLHFers (3170 followers)

  • Building a “nostalgia-infused“ collection “by gamers for gamers“

  • Founded by Dith - core team member of Pirate Nation

  • Using different approach towards WL - no collabs, most of WLs will be given via “programmatic whitelisting“

My take:

First and foremost it’s important to mention that this project positions itself as an experimental one, “no roadmap & no promises“. Their mint will be free, with a total supply of 3690 pieces and a high quality pixel art.

Regarding “programmatic whitelisting“ - they’re using own Discord bot, that assigns points to participants based on different pre-set values. “This makes the WL fairer and more about what you've done, rather than who you are friends with“.

Considering the fact that you don’t have to grind or what not, it’s worth to interact with their bot and register for WL (however, registration doesn’t mean guaranteed WL, winners will be announced closer to mint date).

Registration doesn’t require wallet signature nor using the main wallet, so feel free to attach burner for extra safety.


[Updates] section:

  • Playember revealed total supply + teased that the biggest marketing push is yet to come

  • Storm Warfare IGO is coming on January 22, on Seedify platform

  • Deblock announced updated mint details for their upcoming free mint

  • Iseky revealed partnership with Xterio

  • OverTrip discord is now open; collabs are open as well

  • Qiibee partnered with Coinbase

  • SkyArk secured a $15M funding round, led by Binance

[Giveaway] section:

4 GUARANTEED WL spots for LaLiga’s upcoming mint (details TBA).

Enter the raffle here - alphabot link

2 FCFS WL spots for Storm Warfare’s upcoming mint (free, 1000 supply).

Enter the raffle here - alphabot link

[News] section:

  • OpenSea presented a new web2-friendly onboarding experience

  • Overworld announced $MNCT token allocations per different tiers

  • Azuki revealed their new hire (Goro Taniguchi), who will be a producer of Azuki’s own anime (coming in April 2024)

  • Otherside teased their upcoming metaverse launch in February this year

  • Mocaverse partnered with Coingecko (speculations about upcoming $MOCA token are getting serious)

  • AOFverse secured a grant from Arbitrum

  • Hytopia announced launch of their own gaming chain (+ nodes sale is coming soon)

That’s a wrap for this time!

Don’t forget to make your own due diligence on those upcoming projects

I’ll see you on the next week with even more alpha

And remember - everything starts with the spark
